In a tiny, hot, almost claustrophobic room on Hanover Street, a poet is performing miracles. Renz Novani weaves words as well as he manipulates a pack of cards and, although we risk passing out from the heat, not one of us will look away for fear that we might miss the next trick.
Poet of the Impossible sees Novani mixing up his talents as a poet alongside his fantastic mentalism and magic. The poems and stories of his youth give us an insight into the mind of the magician who has streamlined his show this year by focussing more on the visible skills of sleight of hand and misdirection than the more cerebral talents of mind reading. There's still a few moments where he wows us with his ability to pluck a name or random word from an audience member's mind but it's the magic that's the real draw here. During card tricks, you can't help but watch Novani's elegant hands as they fly across the cards yet we are delighted by seemingly impossible moments where aces switch places without him even touching the deck.
Audience interaction is a big part of this show and Novani is a warm host who ensures that volunteers get the limelight. All are delighted to be on stage and one woman is visibly stunned by the magician's ability to read her thoughts.
Novani is charming and playful and clearly has a genuine love for his art that he wants to share with us and we're only too happy to join in.