It’s always a delight to see a Free Fringe show doing well and, on arriving at the venue for this show, the queue is stretching into the distance. Not being the type to stand in queues, I hang around the door until everyone is in and then luckily nab a seat in the second row as it’s standing room only in the largish venue.
Jollyboat is a musical comedy double act consisting of two brothers who have a love for pirates, puns, incredibly inappropriate language and jokes about sleeping with Disney princesses. They leap about the stage, clearly delighting at the audience reaction and constantly laughing at their own jokes and each other. It’s wonderful to see a comedy duo with such natural chemistry who clearly love to make each other laugh. There’s a real sentiment that they find this funny and hope that we do too. We do, we find it very, very funny.
Highlights include a medley of pirate pop songs that includes some ingenious parody, a rap rendition of the life of Jesus that sets a few things straight about the son of God and their response to the X-Factor phenomenon in a scathing riposte to the exploitative, sob-story culture of such shows.
Jollyboat have been on the Free Fringe for a few years now but, judging by the response this year, this might be your last chance to see them in a free venue. Go along and catch Jollyboat now so that you can say you saw them before they were famous.