This show is certainly value for money. A one-woman show with a cast of three, all original songs and even some sing-along action at the end where the audience gets to sing something awful in French.
Sarah Louise Young is a true cabaret star who has created three characters completely different in voice and mannerisms. First we meet a slutty trailer-park country singer who introduces us to the show and warms us up with some delightfully smutty songs that elicit laughter and gasps but never offense. Next up we have a faded diva on her latest comeback tour bemoaning her failure to be as successful as Elaine Paige and blaming most of her woes on her ungrateful children. Finally, the headliner is La Poule Plombée (I’ll let you see the show for a translation), the ex-best friend of Edith Piaf who takes to the stage clutching a dangerous looking carving knife before telling us the tale of how the ‘Little Sparrow’ stole her little black dress and her career.
There are several character cabaret shows on the Fringe this year and this is by far the most polished. The show never sags; the songs are hilarious, the writing is witty, the costume changes are fast and the hour flies by too quickly. A cheeky coda to the show lets the audience meet Young sans character and she sends us off with a final, shockingly rude but wonderfully performed funny song.
Cabaret Whore is only running until the 12th and Young has promised to hang up these characters for a while so make sure you catch this truly fantastic show while you can.