Behind the Lens
I'm based in Glasgow, Scotland where I live with my wife and dog. When not taking photos, I'm a well known face on the cabaret, circus, and comedy circuit working regularly as a singer, compère, comedian, and ringmaster. I also produce and direct theatre and circus internationally.
I love to photograph interesting people and particularly focus on portraiture but any type of model interests me as long as they have a real idea of what they like or are keen to hear my ideas and work on new projects.​
​​I've recently been developing my work to include glamour and fetish shoots as well as more abstract concepts. My work can be found on many websites including Fetlife and SuicideGirls. I'm also a member of The Model Society
I provide a head-shot and portfolio service for actors, models, performers, and the public at extremely reasonable prices. All images are digital format taken in high-resolution and cropped to 10''x8'', the industry standard for Spotlight and casting agencies. Full copyright is released to the model for all packages. This means that you may reprint the photos as often as needed and use them for any purpose you require.​
​I am very happy to consider Time For Print (TFP) work if the project interests me!
Get in touch to discuss your idea.